Monday, September 15, 2008

Elephants never forget...

...their first time. Omg, just watch...

Sunday, September 7, 2008

The Cure for BG's (and Sunburn)

Look familiar?Well, the break from WoW is over - and actually quite refreshing. I read a book, started writing again, renewed my interest in playing the piano and the guitar, and went to a concert! I also did a lot of thinking while on the subject of Battle Grounds.

Why are we still playing the same ones? I'm not still running Stratholme because I'm stoked about the possibility of getting my Dreadmist legs, or finally finishing that 45 minute Baron run. I'm not still running MC to get my Felheart leggings (although I could stil be, since those seemed to have a lower drop rate than true love...), yet I'm still running WSG, AV, and AB. EOTS doesn't even have a faction to grind rep with, or get mediocre items from.

WoW is all about the rep grind, the honor grind, the grind to impress complete strangers with your new uber [Old Crafty], or the grind to make yourself less, and infinately less appealing to your spouse, friends, and loved ones.

Don't even say arenas are the "new BG's" because they're not. You want to see class balance atA BG this is not...(Notice the rogue?) its penultimate worst just go to the armory and look up druid / warrior or rogue teams. I know for me anyways, BG's have always been a fun, mindless way to blow off some steam, listen to your favorite, most aggressive band, and pretend your bosses face is on every opposing player.

My point is this - I just want new BGs. Just like PvErs want new instances. Blizzard has given the excuse that if they put in more BGs, player populations would be imbalanced and old BGs wouldn't be played anymore. Granted BGs are instanced across your battlegroup, if the same thing were done with PvE it would be a joke. Heck if the LFG function searched across the entire battlegroup and instances took place cross-server like BGs, that'd be a great new implementationi too. (If it's possible)

I for one enjoyed this book... but I'm glad I'm not still reading it... and reading it...Lake Wintergrasp seems an interesting approach to PvP, but my hopes aren't up too high just with world PvP having yet to show it's charm. I guess we'll just have to wait until November 13 and see not only if Lake Wintergrasp is teh suck, or if it's a rewarding new way to enjoy non-arena PvP.

On a side note, the break didn't provide the sunburn I expected, however I did glean some helpful sunburn tips that are sure to make looking like a lobster feel less torturous.
A classic case of too much sun, vs too little sun
Sunburn Tips:
  • Don't Scratch
  • Lots of Aloe
  • Asprin can help with the pain, and swelling
  • Drink lots of water
  • Don't go crazy with soap - it dries out your skin