Friday, August 22, 2008

Raiding "New-to-You" Brings Back the Fun!

Blizzard has a long standing tradition in WoW of truly making the players feel as though they have achieved something when end-game encounters are finally defeated. So much so, in fact, that many players never get the chance to see bosses like Ragnaros, Nefarion, C'thun, Illidan... and so on.

To make a long story longer - a couple of weekends ago I finally got to see Kel'thuzad, and his friend Sapphiron thanks to a weekly Naxxramas run that takes place on Nathrezim!

If you haven't tried this I HIGHLY recommend it! Not only is it a great chance to get your alts some sweet leveling gear (if the raid is big enough), it is also a sweet opportunity to see some new-to-you content. Many shall mock, but I eagerly anticipate taking my Death Knight to kill Kil Jaedin. Lewts to after the jump...

Lots of fun - and afterwords we raided AQ40 and ripped C'thun a new eyehole! My warrior Bessi (see dancing cow movie in the Video Cave section) was 2 points away from winning the roll for [Dark Edge of Insanity]. PLUS a [Vanquished Tentacle of C'thun] dropped. Again, no cigar on that one. I DID win a [Silithid Claw]. however, so it was totally worth it.

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